Self-Managed Superannuation Funds


Our Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) embodies one of the biggest areas of investment for retirement in Australia. Carbone Partners has a dedicated, experienced and innovative team of specialists to guide you through the complexity of self-managed superannuation.

What is an SMSF?

An SMSF is a trust structure that provides members with an income for retirement. The self-managed aspect of this type of fund is its main distinctive feature, and means that members can make the investment decisions that will decide their future income. If you wish to take responsibility for your own finances and don’t want to entrust all your investments to an external party, then an SMSF could be right for you.


Many of our clients use Self-Managed Superannuation Funds to hold direct property, shares and other investments. The main attraction, we believe is to retain control of your superannuation fund investments, and also to invest in assets that would otherwise be unavailable in a retail or industry superannuation fund (such as direct property).

In the right hands a SMSF can be an amazing opportunity to invest and save a significant amount of compliance cost, however without appropriate supervision and in the wrong hands the results can be catastrophic to the retirement plans of members.

The benefits of running you own fund can include:

  • Flexibility & Control –
    SMSFs allow multiple members to run a mixture of accumulation and pension accounts. Trustees have complete control over what happens with the fund.
  • Investment Choice –
    SMSFs provide greater investment options than any other super fund.
  • Taxation Strategies –
    Concessional tax environment where earnings are taxed at 15% in Accumulation Phase and tax-free in Pension Phase. We can help trustees grow their super savings and reduce tax payments.
  • Fund Costs –
    Depending on the size of your fund, can be cheaper to run than a large public fund
  • Unique Investment Strategies –
    Including gearing in superannuation
  • Creditor Protection –
    Assets are normally protected by creditors even in the event of bankruptcy
  • Consolidate Super Assets –
    A SMSF allows up to three other members to consolidate super accounts. A larger fund can increase the overall investment opportunities whilst reducing the overall fees.
  • Creation of a Family Legacy


Our comprehensive support services include everything you need to create a successful SMSF, with tailored advice and guidance available once your fund is established.

We can help you in every aspect of setting up your SMSF:

  • Establishment of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
  • Assistance with rollovers from existing superannuation funds
  • Advice on compliance and taxation
  • Superannuation audits and annual reporting obligations
  • Administration and management of your fund
  • Advice on borrowing with your fund

Administration & Compliance:

Our role as accountants and advisors is to assist you to navigate through the compliance requirements of self-managed superannuation funds to ensure that the fund is run in compliance with the following regulatory authorities:

  • Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority)
  • ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission)

Our superannuation fund specialists have many years of experience and are able to offer guidance on how to utilise your superannuation in order to maximise wealth and financially retire. We provide comprehensive services including:

  • Evaluation of existing Superannuation procedures and policies
  • Rollovers/ Set up and Administration of your own Fund
  • Preparation of Annual Financial Statements and Income Tax Returns
  • Binding Death Benefit Nominations
  • SMSF Trust Deed reviews
  • Estate & Succession Planning
  • Fund Insurance Policies
  • Allocated and Complying Pensions
  • Equity transfer through wills, sale or gift
  • Retirement Planning
  • Generational transfer
  • Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements
  • Property Acquisitions with Self-Managed Superannuation

Juve Holdings Pty Ltd T/As Carbone Partners Accountants (ABN 15 086 455 814) is a Corporate Authorised Representative No. 1244042 of SMSF Advisors Network Pty Ltd


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